


It is convenient and efficient to improve knowledge, prepare for lectures or exams, search for relevant information, create projects in the modern library of the Vilnius College of Design. The library is perfectly suited for both individual and team work, it consists of several spaces: computerized workplaces and a common reading room. The library funds are focused on study programs of the Vilnius College of Design, the main focus is on the field of arts and design, the latest books and periodicals are regularly ordered. College students have access to databases such as EBSCO Publishing, Tylor and Francis and other international electronic databases that contain a large number of scientific articles, e-books, statistical information.

In our library, as well as in libraries of other Lithuanian higher education institutions, you can always use electronic search system: enter the name of the author or publication in the search box and the system will show the available publications, their storage location and the number of existing publications.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions are provided in F.A.Q. section.

We invite you to follow us on:

Facebook: Vilnius College of Design Library  / Instagram: vdk_biblioteka

Here we publish the most relevant information about the library, upcoming events, and present the latest publications purchased by the library.


Mon.-Fr. 9.00 – 17.00 h.

Sat (only on part-time mode study lecture weekends)  9:00 – 15:00 h.


You can print from the computers in the library. You can copy documents and scan them for free in the library. In order to copy and print, you need to register in the MyQ system on this website print.dizainokolegija.lt (more information will be provided by a library employee). After doing this, you can top up your credit with a library employee.

Printing-copying rates:

A4 format black and white copy – 0.05eur, color – 0.35eur.
A3 format – 0.10 eur and 0.70 eur, respectively.

Payment can only be made in cash.

Frequently asked questions
What are library's working hours?
The library is open every working day
Mon.–Fr. 9.00 -17.00 h.
Sat. 9.00 – 15.00 h. (ONLY on part-time mode study lecture weekends)
Is the library only available to the academic community?
The library is open to everyone. The library can be used by both the college community and external visitors.

Readers of the library are the College's academic staff, administrative staff, students and free listeners who can freely use the reading room, the services provided and borrow home publications and other documents for the relevant periods;
Library visitors are graduates of the College, persons participating in the non-formal education activities of the College and other external persons with whom the College has signed cooperation agreements, who can freely use the reading room and the services provided, but cannot borrow publications and other documents to take home.

For what period can I borrow books and other publications?
Leidiniai ir kiti dokumentai gali būti išduodami – paskaitai, parai arba savaitgaliui. Vienu metu gali būti išduodami ne daugiau nei 5 (penki) vienetai leidinių ar kitų dokumentų. Išduoti leidiniai ar kiti dokumentai gali būti pratęsti apie tai informavus bibliotekos darbuotoją tiesiogiai, elektroniniu paštu arba telefonu - kitu atveju yra fiksuojamas leidinių ar kitų dokumentų grąžinimo vėlavimas ir mokami delspinigiai (0,3 eur už dieną, už leidinį). Dėstytojų metodiniai darbai, studentų tarpinių peržiūrų darbai, studentų praktikos ataskaitos ir studentų baigiamieji darbai į namus neišduodami, jais galite naudotis bibliotekos skaitykloje.

Publications and other documents can be given for a lecture, a day or a weekend. No more than 5 (five) units of publications or other documents can be borrowed at the same time. Return deadline of publications or other documents can be extended after informing the library employee directly, by e-mail or by phone - otherwise, the delay in returning publications or other documents is recorded and late fees are paid (0.3 EUR per day, per publication). Teachers' methodological works, students' midterm review works, students' practice reports and students' final works are allowed to be taken home, you can use them in the library reading room.

Is it possible to print a document from a USB key in the library?
Yes. You can print from the computers in the library. You can copy documents and scan them for free in the library. In order to copy and print, you need to register in the MyQ system on this website print.dizainokolegija.lt (more information will be provided by a library employee). After doing this, you can top up your credit with a library employee.

Printing-copying rates:

A4 format black and white copy - 0.05eur, color - 0.35eur.
A3 format – 0.10 eur and 0.70 eur, respectively.
Payment can only be made in cash.

What to do if the deadline for returning the publication is already approaching?
The term of borrowing books can be extended in several ways:

1. By writing an email to library staff: biblioteka@dizainokolegija.lt
2. Upon arrival at the library
3. By calling: +370 699 17118

What if I am late to return the publication?
You will have to pay fees for publications returned late. A late fee of EUR 0.30 is charged for each day and each late return of the publication.
How to find a particular book in the library?
Use the library's electronic catalog. After entering the author of the publication or the name of the publication in the search box, you will see if the publication you are looking for is in our library. The book code in parentheses indicates the shelf where the publication you are looking for is located.
What should I do if I lost or damaged the publication?
For damaged or lost publications or other documents, the reader must pay the amount of the acquisition of the resource in the ratio of 1:3 or a compensatory fee, which is determined by the decision of the Methodological Council of the College. In case of intentionally damaging the Library's property or committing other violations of the Library's rules of procedure, readers are warned and the management of the College is informed about their inappropriate behavior, which takes appropriate measures to resolve the situation.

If you did not find the answer to your question, you can submit a request:

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© Photo by A. Jandovickis